Bridge the gap between your beliefs and your brilliance

Craft a 10/10 Offer

That you can’t stop celebrating

…You're already an

amazing coach

Experience? Absolutely!

Uniqueness? Undoubtedly.

Client Successes? Too many to count. 

…And you have a reservoir of abundance, wisdom, talents and gifts…

…Ready to beam forth and serve.

But there’s a gap between your inner value and how it's expressed on the outside.

Even though you know how to bridge the gap for everyone else - you have’t found a way to do it for yourself.

So you do what every coach does:

You Change And Reinvent Yourself..

You constantly tweak your strategy, offer, marketing, or branding, hoping the next adjustment will finally bridge the gap

You Add More…

…More platforms, more tasks, more concepts, more tech, more strategies —and it scatters your focus making your business feel heavy to carry.

You Chase or Catch:

When you distrust you magnetic true self, you end up trying to catch or chase clients and opportunities, feeling like your business is always outrunning you.

…The challenge has always been to capture all the carats of who you are

Your unique multifaceted self, your experiences, your journey, your wisdom—into an offer and marketing approach that truly resonates and radiates - so it feels complete.

Because when you doubt yourself,

your inner light dims down,

And this makes it challenging to show up and shine

I know this, because I am that coach myself.

....I've experienced all the success stories...

The successful launches. The fancy features. Industry-breaking results. The amazing testimonials.

…And I still never felt enough...

My offer and marketing never felt complete.

So I threw my offer and business away, over and over again. I didn't know how to bridge the gap between my inner value in a way that aligned with how I showed up to share it with my world.

…While helping all my clients shine bright like diamonds…

I struggled to do the same for myself.

I was not seeing how my own belief blockages kept me out of completion with my own coaching offer.

...And, If I knew then what I'm sharing with you now, I'd have avoided years of struggle, wasted effort, and fixes that didn't work

…Because a complete offer has 10 dimensions that activates demand

…Making it easy to see the value of your offer

…When marketing and sales feels hard…

…A dimension of the offer is missing.

..Making it hard to see and understand the value

….Leading to confused clients..

So, we add more strategies to market our offer’s value…

…Or show the value by discounting the value…

…We add more social media..

…We change and reinvent ourself…

…We blame ourselves when it doesn’t work

…Making us more overwhelmed and frustrated.

…While we struggle to stand out in a crowded market ….

…Because our offer looks similar to everyone else….

Without a 10/10 offer that's fully aligned with our beliefs, we often find ourselves in cycles of...

Hermitting & Ghosting

Facing uncertainty or feeling overwhelmed leads you to dim your light and retreat into the shadows, effectively ghosting your own business. This hermit-like withdrawal reduces your visibility and impact.

Impact: Less value for you, your clients, and your business.

In an effort to shine brighter, you may keep adding layers—more offers, more tools, more platforms, more social media, more tactics—thinking more will fix it.. Yet, this just scatters your light, leading to an overwhelming glow that fails to guide anyone clearly.

Impact: Less value for you, your clients, and your business.


Low-Value Belief Cycles

Negative self-talk and activated negative beliefs turn into a low-value belief cycle where your value creation is low, but your mind-drama is high. This activates the negative beliefs reinforcing them, and not your revenue or results.

Impact: Less value for you, your clients, and your business

...And none of these cycles bring us any closer to fully realising and celebrating the value of our offer.

The 10/10 Method was created 

to help you bridge the gap between your

beliefs and your brilliance.

What happens when you have a 10/10 Offer?

You show up to serve every single day, anchored in a rock-solid belief in both yourself and your offer.


You shine with a powerful radiance that magnetically draws in more clients.


Your uniqueness sets you apart, making it easy to sell


Dear Coaching Colleague,

If you feel it’s time to bring your offer

and value into completion,

I welcome you to the 10/10 Method

starting April 10th, 2024.

Introducing the 10/10 Method

Where you bring your offer and value expression into completion and celebration.

In the 10/10 method, you'll infuse your business with beliefs so powerful, they will supercharge your offer with from the inside-out with the 10 dimensions of demand.

By fully integrating who you are into what you sell, the 10/10 Method ensures your offer deeply resonates and cultivates lasting value.


A simple three-step process to magnify every aspect of your coaching offer with radiant resonance.

Start by uncovering the 10 key facets of your value, then build a Belief Bridge to close the gap between you and your clients.

Finally, learn to express your value's full spectrum externally with clarity and impact.

Here’s what our 10/10 Clients Say

“Holy S*** This stuff works”

Irene Salter, Ph.D., experienced the 10/10 process and witnessed a complete transformation in her business—and a significant leap in her revenue.

You are just a few dimensions away from a complete offer that shines from the inside out.

The 10/10 Method’s Proven Process



Each week you activate a facet of your Demand Diamond, bringing its ten dimensions to vibrant life.

Just as a diamond is crafted with precision, you’ll reflect the full spectrum of your service's value

Now, each of these dimensions will work for you - making it easier to stand out, share your your value and sell your offer.



Close the gap in belief between you and your clients. Identify the beliefs that hinder your clients from seeing the potential in what you offer, in themselves, and in you. This makes it effortless for them to cross the bridge into your business.



Every week, you'll master how to unveil and communicate the diverse value you provide.

Like a diamond, each facet of your service has it’s own distinctive value, resulting in a brilliantly radiant whole.

You'll learn to 10X the impact of each facet - with resonance and brilliance.

Meet the 10/10 Modules

Module 1/10

The Desired Result

Achieve crystal clarity on the results your clients currently desire

Discover how to serve from a place of desire, creating a world enriched by your unique offerings. In this module, you will learn to articulate the transformation your clients deeply seek. This isn’t just about any change; it's about defining the exact result they're dreaming of, something they're already nodding "YES" to deep within their heart. Without this clarity, you’re missing the strong link that ties your offer to your client's core desires.

  • Week 1 Benefits:

    • Identify and articulate the precise transformation your clients seek.

    • Activate "Purpose," infusing your business with heart-driven energy.

    • Craft a purpose-driven offer that resonate deeply with client desires.

Module 2/10

The Belief

Build a belief bridge for your clients, helping them see the value in themselves and in what you offer.

Struggling to make your clients believe in the value of your offer, or their own potential? If you don’t have a clear belief bridge for your brand - it’s hard to bring clients into your business. Your clients can't buy into something they don’t fully believe in. In The Belief module, we teach you to foster self-belief in your clients, inspiring them to embrace transformation. Experience the power of empathy and deep connection, guiding your clients across the belief bridge with confidence and motivation, and watch as they cultivate self-belief in themselves, you as a leader - and your offer.

Week 2 Benefits:

    • Foster a deep sense of self-belief in clients.

    • Cultivate your belief bridge for your brand so it’s easy for clients to cross. 

    • Activate "Self-Belief," in your own offer and leadership.

Module 3/10

The Authentic Leader

Fine-tune the story of your offer showing your unique facets, leading with your true self

Are you showing up as a real, multifaceted human leader? In today's digital age, authenticity is your most valuable asset. The Real Leader module empowers you to lead with authenticity, making genuine connections that AI can't replicate. Learn to share your story with vulnerability, establishing trust and inspiring your clients to follow your lead confidently. This module focuses on showcasing your genuine self, combining all your facets to connect deeply with your audience.

  • Weekly Gains:

    • Share your offer story and authentic journey 

    • Activate "Authenticity," establishing genuine connections.

    • Inspire clients with your embodiment of your offer. .

Module 4/10

The Simple Solution

Clarify and simplify your offer, making it irresistibly easy for clients to say YES.

Confused clients don't commit. Our Simple Solution module cuts through the noise, offering clarity that compels action. With strategies to simplify your message and present clear, accessible solutions, you'll awaken curiosity and excitement in your clients, making your offer impossible to ignore. Confusion is the enemy of commitment. This week is all about simplifying your offer, ensuring it’s straightforward and compelling. A clear, simple solution encourages clients to step forward and engage without hesitation.

  • Week 4/10 Benefits:

    • Simplify your offer so it’s easy to say YES

    • Activate "Clarity," ensuring your offer cuts through decision paralysis.

    • Present your solutions in an accessible, straightforward manner.

Module 5/10

The YES Client

Fine-tune your offer’s message to resonate with clients who are already inclined to say YES, streamlining your marketing efforts.

Do you know how to connect with clients that are already a YES? Forget avatars - let’s fine-tune our offer to clients that are already a yes. This makes marketing and sales so much easier - spending our time on those that are already interested. Finding and connecting with clients who instantly say "YES" is key. This module is about fine-tuning your message so it resonates deeply, turning already interested prospects into clients in your community.

  • Week 5/10 Gains:

    • Identify and connect with your ideal, ready-to-commit clients.

    • Activate "Connection," creating resonant, engaging interactions.

    • Tailor messaging to captivate and convert interested prospects.

Module 6/10

The Promise

Establish a foundation of trust with a solid promise or guarantee, making your clients feel safe.

Do you have a simple promise or guarantee that makes it feel safe to invest? Building trust is paramount, and offering a solid guarantee does just that. This module teaches you how to confidently back your offer, reassuring clients and encouraging them to take that leap of faith with you.

  • Week 6/10 Gains:

    • Develop and communicate a compelling guarantee.

    • Activate "Trust," enhancing the perceived reliability of your offer.

    • Provide reassurance that removes perceived risk for clients.

Module 7/10

The Celebrated Client

Celebrate client success stories to demonstrate the effectiveness and transformative power of your offer.

Showcasing tangible success stories not only boosts your credibility but also proves the effectiveness of your offer. This module is about leveraging those wins to inspire and attract more clients.

  • Weekly Gains:

    • Highlight and celebrate client achievements and testimonials.

    • Activate "Credibility," leveraging success stories to build trust.

    • Showcase the tangible impact of your work on real people.

Module 8/10

The Uniqueness

Showcase what makes you and your offer unique in the industry.

Standing out is about more than being different; it’s about being uniquely suited to meet your clients' needs. This module guides you in defining and promoting what makes your offer a must-have.

  • 8/10 Weekly Gains:

    • Identify and highlight your offer's unique qualities.

    • Activate "Brilliance," emphasising what sets you apart.

    • Craft messaging that showcases your unique value proposition.

Module 9/10

The Proven Process

Ensure clients feel confident and supported throughout a clear, step-by-step journey with your offer.

A reliable, step-by-step journey reassures clients they’re making the right choice. This week, you’ll learn how to articulate your process, ensuring clients feel confident and supported every step of the way.
This week, you’ll activate "Confidence" in your demand diamond. It’s about building a solid, trust-inspiring pathway for your clients, from first contact to a successful outcome. Confidence in your process translates to confidence in their decision.

  • Weekly Gains:

    • Articulate and simplify your process for easy client understanding.

    • Activate "Confidence," building trust in your method and outcome.

    • Reinforce the reliability and effectiveness of your approach.

Module 10/10

The Value Brilliance

Showcase the value of your offer, not just the price. Learn to align your pricing with the exceptional value you provide.

Pricing isn’t just about numbers; it's about the value and transformation your offer brings. This module helps you position your pricing as a reflection of the exceptional results clients can expect, making it a commitment to their success.

It’s about aligning your pricing with the immense value you provide, making the investment a clear, confident step toward their goals. Commitment in your pricing strategy signals commitment to their transformation.

  • Weekly Gains:

    • Strategically position your value proposition so it showcases the complete value. 

    • Activate "Commitment," highlighting mutual investment in success.

    • Communicate the transformative potential of your offer relative to its cost.

Here’s What You Get:

Lifetime Access To The 10/10 Program

Dive into a program designed to elevate your offer to unparalleled heights - from day one. Over the course of 10 weeks, through 10 straightforward modules.

Community of 10/10 Coaches:

Deepen your understanding of the 10/10 Method, with our private community of CEO’s and Coaches all serving from belief and brilliance - and their 10/10 offer.

Weekly Live 10/10 Coaching

Each week, immerse yourself in live coaching sessions that serve as your arena to explore, question, and deepen your understanding of the 10/10 Method.

Who is the 10/10 perfect for?

You are a multi-faceted, multi-talented coach… With tons of embodied experience.

You are a Coach leading a personal brand, navigating the intricate dance of connecting your unique services with the multifaceted aspects of who you are, the 10/10 Method is tailored for you.

This program is your invitation to fully embrace and utilize every facet of your experiences, crafting an offer that is as unique as your journey.

Here, you'll find the tools and guidance to not only showcase but celebrate the diversity of your talents, shaping an offer that resonates deeply and stands out in the marketplace.

Meet your 10/10 Coach

Hi! I’m David Vox

I’m the creator of the 10/10 Method.

As a Spiritual Business Coach, I specialize in amplifying the unique brilliance of coaches in an industry often perceived as one-dimensional.

My track record as an award-winning marketer and coach includes being a guest coach in programs like 2k for 2k and The Coach Lab.

I’m here to guide you into believing so deeply in yourself, your offer, and your business so you become an unstoppable force for magic. 🪄

My superpower lies in helping YOU see your brilliance and uniqueness, and guiding you to harness all facets of your offer to shine brightly and stand out—not just stand by.

‘“I use David’s 10/10 Method in my business coaching and it’s always an instant game-changer. It simplifies the complexities of trying to explain what I do, and eliminates the need to “convince” people that my offer has value.

Ophira Edut

Your business is unique.

So is the 10/10 method

  • 10/10 is all about completing your offer and marketing, not changing or adding something new: 10/10 method is about bringing all of you together in one offer, one expression, one valuable radiant way.

  • 10/10 Is Not A New Marketing Trend: We know the impact of creating brilliant offers, and how it makes marketing and sales easy. While your competitions follow trends, we reveal the power you already have - waiting to be uncovered.

  • 10/10 Is A Belief-Driven Strategy: We focuses exclusively on perfecting one offer that reflects your core beliefs.

This unique and impactful method stands alone as the only program that melds marketing savvy, spiritual insight, and transformative coaching.

Your Rock-Solid Guarantee.

In just 10 weeks, you WILL have a 10/10 offer, powerfully fuelled by YOUR beliefs.

If, at the end of these 10 transformative weeks, you find your offer anything less than a resounding 10/10 in your own estimation, we'll refund your investment in full.

Why? Because if you don't wholeheartedly believe in the value and power of your offer, it means we haven't fully delivered on our promise to you.

Once your offer is 10/10,

an unstoppable force is released from alignment.


Cart Closing April 9th.

Join the 10 week Program Today - It’s Risk Free!

Early Bird Price: $1,010,-

(Save $2490,-)

Early-Bird Bonus #1


Develop a comprehensive 100-day launch plan that vividly showcases 100 facets of your value, shared in a distinctive, engaging way that resonates and prepares your audience for purchase.

Featured in two episodes on Amy Porterfield's platform, this pre-launch strategy has been successfully adopted by thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide to connect, engage, and convert effectively.

Early-Bird Bonus #2


Unlock the power of exponential growth with the Referral Ritual, exclusively designed for those who achieve a 10/10 completion.

This ritual, a celebration of your success and your clients', multiplies one satisfied client into ten through a method of acknowledgment and appreciation.

This ritual aligns with timeless traditions found in every culture that honor life's significant milestones, from graduations to weddings, embodying gratitude and expansion.

Perfect for professional coaches, teachers, and mentors dedicated to profound transformative work.

Join us for our first session

APRIL 10th.

Expect confetti, world-class coaching and a community of brilliant 10/10 Coaches and CEO’s

Live 10/10 Each Wednesday at Noon EST

  • New York: 12:00 PM EST

  • London: 5:00 PM GMT

  • Barcelona: 6:00 PM CET

  • Los Angeles: 9:00 AM PST

Enrolment Closes April 9th

- Program Begins April 10th, Noon EST.

Pay in full: $3,500,-

The next step?

Embrace the methodology that not only elevates your offer to unparalleled heights but also aligns every fiber of your being with success and satisfaction.

Welcome to a journey where your belief and brilliance converge, paving the way to a future where every interaction is an opportunity to shine and share the unique value only you can bring to the world.


  • What sets the 10/10 Method apart is its focus on the core aspects of your offer and aligning it with the market's demand. It's not just about hard work; it's about working smart by leveraging your unique strengths and understanding your audience deeply.

  • Not at all. The 10/10 Method goes beyond surface-level tactics by building a solid foundation for your offer. It emphasizes authentic connection with your audience, ensuring your marketing feels genuine and is more effective.

  • No, the beauty of the 10/10 Method is that it focuses on leveraging what you already have in a more strategic way. While some investment in your marketing is always helpful, this method is about optimizing your resources for maximum impact.

  • Yes! The 10/10 Method is presented in an accessible way, ensuring that anyone, regardless of their technical skills, can understand and apply the principles to their business.

  • While individual results vary, many clients start seeing positive changes in their marketing effectiveness and sales conversion rates shortly after beginning to implement the 10/10 Method. The key is consistency and applying the principles thoroughly.

  • If you are a personal brand - YES! The 10/10 Method is adaptable across industries. Its core principles are universal, focusing on creating value, understanding your audience, and presenting your offer compellingly.

  • Not at all. In fact, the 10/10 Method shines in niche markets by helping you clarify and highlight the unique aspects of your offer that resonate most with your specific audience.

  • Definitely. The 10/10 Method is an excellent foundation for new businesses. It helps you start on the right foot by clarifying your offer and understanding your market from the get-go.

  • Even successful businesses can benefit from the 10/10 Method. It can help you refine and optimize your offer, explore new markets, or further enhance your connection with your current audience, leading to even greater success.